Alex Jones explains Who Is Behind The Global Collapse [VIDEO]

2 years ago

Jul 29, 2022
Erwins Real News

News and Commentary
Is this incompetence? Or pre-meditated evil?

By Zach Heilman
July 30, 2022
Image Credit: Erwins Real News

“Is this incompetence? Or pre-meditated evil?” – Erwins Real News

“A controlled designed collapse and where we’re at right now in their project, and we have a very good chance of slowing it down. And finally, stopping it if we have a mass awakening and Epiphany, which is already starting to happen right now. So I am extremely, extremely excited about all of that. And we’re going to be getting into a lot more of it today. So as bad as the situation is, we also have a lot of hope as well right now.

But the level of brainwashing, the level of gaslighting that is going on is next level because you have to understand this propaganda system we see in these puppets we see even Klaus Schwab, even Bill Gates are not the highest level, though they’re high-level generals in this, but there are many people like Biden, and Gavin Newsom, and Macron and the rest of them, That’s just their placeholder that, again, takes the blame for the globalist operation. And if we just blame the minions, we never blame the system that’s written all the battle plans, the white papers, the operational systems to carry out what we’re living in. That’s why I’ve been able to, with total precision, to predict exactly what’s going to happen because they’re in control of most of the systems of the planet, and they’re trying to get full control. And we are in a race to mobilize our states, our counties, our cities, our governments, our municipalities around the world, our churches our educational systems to understand this societal collapse system that they call the Great Reset. And on our ashes, they’re Build Back Better. So everything else flows from that. That’s the heart of the Hydra. And we can fight the heads of the Hydra all day long, as much as we want. But until we start addressing the heart of the matter, the New World Order, we don’t have a hope in hell.” – Alex Jones

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