Praise and worship at Restoration Church (Pastor Roger Day)

2 years ago

It was here Pastor Day said, “brother, sound that shofar alarm,” and he eventually lead us all in, “Sound the trumpet of Zion, sound the alarm.”

Pastor Day said, “Something shifted in the spirit realm.” We just happened to be about 45 miles due south of Gov Noem and the South Dakota capital this Sunday.

The following day Gov Noem reported on Instagram: “We thank God for years of answered prayer, today South Dakota is finally an abortion free state as the last center closed this weekend.”

The following week Roe vs Wade was overturned.

All glory to God.

We each have a part to play in God’s ultimate will and plan on earth to reach the nations with His Good news Gospel message. This often means confronting strongholds and taking down principalities in high places (cooperating with Gods angelic host). One simple act of obedience can do this. For Daniel in Daniel chapter 7, it was simply an afternoon prayer and request for God’s help for the nation of Israel. He was visited 21 days later by Michael the Arch Angel!

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