An early morning peek at the herds. Cleo with the boys and the girls are nicely settled beside them

5 years ago

They had their feet done yesterday.
Tuppy's skin has improved since using Malaban and I will use that once a week, plus the permoxin and sulphur.
Ava is coming along well with her training, she's developing an understanding of what to expect from me and what I'm asking - rather I'm learning to communicate more effectively.
Cleo went in with the boys after the farrier came yesterday. The boys were both playing up and an older hand is needed in their paddock, plus me to work with them. But they tend to get out of control when left to their own devices!
Ruby is hanging around with Tuppy - she has always liked Tuppy and hasn't re-bonded yet with Ava, but I'm sure they'll pair up again.
Halo is the usual wiley minx and I need to work on her.
I'll be feeding Cleo once a day - one small feed from now one. She just cannot maintain her weight on the pasture alone.
I will get the vet out once a month to do teeth and a check up. That way we will go through the 12 month cycle with teeth up to date and any issues taken care of. I need another job to properly care for my horses.

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