Ep. 5166 – Doug Bandow: America Wrecked Libya for a Generation – 1/17/2020

5 years ago

Doug Bandow talks about the legacy of the war in Libya, which many Americans seem already to have forgotten. Bandow says Qaddafi was supposed to be the test case for a dictator agreeing to U.S. terms of peaceful nuclear disarmament. Instead, as soon as he disarmed America sent troops in to overthrow him, creating an obvious chilling effect on any country of whom we make similar demands in the future. Bandow also reminds us of the blowback caused by the war there, and fears for the possibility of Yemeni terrorism against U.S. targets in the future, since what America is doing to the Yemenis is far worse even than what happened to the Libyans.

Doug Bandow is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and a regular contributor at Forbes Magazine, the National Interest, and elsewhere. He’s on Twitter @Doug_Bandow.

Check out the interview page here: https://libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/1-17-20-doug-bandow-america-wrecked-libya-for-a-generation/

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