Wokism-Marxism is tearing America apart. Instead of Socialist propaganda, learn from Great Thinkers

2 years ago

Stephen Dewey - Managing Member, GeoFinancial Trends

American society and its traditions are being torn apart from within – by the cancel culture or woke movement. The result: this is the most polarized the country has been since the Civil War.

This discussion will examine cultural Marxism as perhaps being the root cause of this woke movement, which was primarily started with the import of Marxist ideology from Europe in the 1920s and 1930s.

The Frankfurt School from Germany was a key propagator of the Marxist ideology in the United States with its initial target being America’s universities, and eventually all of the American education system and society at large. A renewal of America’s founding principles of liberty and limited government is needed to challenge and reverse the destructive influence of this Marxist woke movement.

One antidote to Marxism and Marx’s Communist Manifesto are the writings of Frederic Bastiat. Bastiat, a contemporary of Marx, was a proponent of personal liberty and limited government and wrote a brilliant book called “The Law,” published in 1850. It is interesting to note that while practically every American college student has heard the name Karl Marx, almost none have heard of Frederic Bastiat or most other free market economics scholars. A renewal of America’s founding principles of liberty and limited government, as espoused by Bastiat and others, is needed to challenge and reverse the destructive influence of Marxism.

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