2 years ago

Understand, the Jewish Controllers of our government and everything else of influence and power are closing in on us. From the easily programmable Black Foot Soldiers to the latest human killing Robot Dogs they have in the works, we are slowly running out of options.

If you were unwise enough to get the COVID Jab(s), you may already be completely useless in our battle against the Evil Lizards that are doing everything in their power to enslave us. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I believe the "Jab" is a weapon that is designed to inflict pain & death on anyone who has this in their system. These creatures do not care about human suffering, we "Goyim" are simply cattle to them, even less.

There are several things we need to do if we have any hope of defeating these scaly bastards.
1. Stop spectating and get involved. Locally with those you trust, the people you know have your back.
2. We need to grow our numbers into the millions and quickly. Every "Cluster" doesn't have to see eye to eye with every other cluster but we need to at least support the same candidates that have proven "TRUE" and boycott in large numbers the Product / Service Peddling enemies of Whites, especially White Americans. If anyone is going to figure out how to defeat these Sons Of Bitches, it's going to be White America.
3. Do not let anyone into your Cluster that has not been completely verified by in-depth background checks and inside support from within your cluster.
4. Remember, trust is not simply given, it is earned. Your family's future depends on your choices and who you're letting in to the Cluster... CHOOSE WISELY.
5. We must fall under ONE GIANT UMBRELLA. If our numbers are going to have an impact, all clusters must be on the same page with elections, boycotts, and the like. There's power in numbers and this "Umbrella" would keep us moving in the same direction... UNSTOPPABLE.
6. Always travel in packs of at least 3 members and always pack (legally) a gun, and always practice handling your unloaded weapon. Being comfortable with handling your gun will pay off if it's ever needed in a Life or Death situation.
7. Only speak of love & peace. Anyone who is talking violence, waving swastikas, or throwing derogatory language around should be removed from the Cluster. They are either trying to set your cluster up for destruction or they are not the Quality People we need to succeed.
8. Support the Leaders / Creators / Politicians who call out the Jew. No hate, no threats of violence, just the demand that Jews be removed from the positions of power. They may never be completely stripped of power at this point but they must be removed from our societies, every last one.
9. Once the Jews (THE HEAD OF THE SNAKE) has been dealt with, Whites Worldwide will be able to then address all other concerns like Blacks & Foreigners chipping away at our chances of success and the now attainable Paradise that lies ahead.

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