Recipe video no. 4. Part 1. Hummus but not as we know it Jim

2 years ago

This is the first part of my hummus but not as we know it Jim.

Traditional hummus is made in a high speed food processor from cooked chick peas and tahini. Tahini is made from hulled sesame seeds and like all raw seeds these will contain protease inhibitors which make the seeds hard to digest.

We replace the cooked chick peas in trad hummus with sprouted chick peas which tastes exactly like the cooked version but unlike the cooked ones they not only retain all their vitamins, these are hugely multiplied in sprouting. The starch in the chickpeas is transformed into more digestible simple sugars and the protein is broken down into constituent, simple aminos.

Then we make them even more digestible by fermenting them with some cabbage.

In Recipe no. 4, part 2 we will add sprouted sun flower seeds and whiz the mixture up in a vita-mix. I have used a LOT of garlic in the recipe. The garlic mellows with the fermentation process. If you use as much garlic as I have used you will need to leave it for at least 2 months. You can of course make it without garlic or use less or use lots of garlic but leave it for several months. To taste.

That is the bland description on my youtube version of the video. I have left out the following which would get me immediately banned on youtube. (I've had 2 warnings already).

The recipe videos are Seignalet (pronounce it "Saynyalay") legal. They are part of my protocol to reverse the deadly effects of the toxin in the mRNA so called "vaccines" which are meant to kill us all off. I have other ideas. Achieving vibrant health and living a long and fruitful life will be our revenge and the first step in reversing the tyranny of the billionaire class who have decided that with automation we are now surplus to requirements and who are using our governments, NGO's and the medical profession to wage war on us.

If you have been jabbed you have no time to lose. Go to:

You can read more about the Seignalet diet on my website here:

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