NWO is planting American military live nuclear weapons in New York city for AntiChrist's terrorism

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (July 2022). Satan Lucifer’s Illuminati NWO one-world government nephilim & chimera alien incarnate avatar globalist elites are planting their CIA Al-Qaeda DHS ISIS terrorist agency’s American military live nuclear weapons inside New York city and other Western feminist nations’ cities in preparation for the AntiChrist's judgment by sword & famine & plague & demon armies upon the Western feminist nations’ religious Christian hordes and heathens, who are redefining Bible verses and rebelling against women’s head coverings to stick their middle finger up at God, and cross-dressing in “Satan Lucifer’s post-1960s cross-dress-project” men’s trousers to mock God’s Word, and stealing unbiblical post-1873 10% salary tithe income taxes to make God’s house into an extortionist gangster’s office. Warn the 6 billion humans, so that everyone will come to try to kill you frantically and slaughter your family, and all your church donators will leave you thinking you are a crazy lunatic heretic idiotic narcotic maniac. Preach this in your next Sunday church service sermon, so that 99% of your church donators will leave your church and God’s house will be cleansed of their religious filth. Do it now and do not wait until tomorrow, or have the blood of 6 billion people on your hands. All your families and the tens of thousands will fall down dead to your left and right, but you shall remain standing unharmed. Banzai charge the enemy, and glorify God, or be a cowardly traitor Western feminist nations’ “Bible verses redefining women’s head coverings rebelling fallen angel head controlled” religious Christian horde and pastor. When we real Christians expose things, the devil and NWO cancel their plans. We real Christian samurai warriors of Christ and the Holy Spirit in us are the light that exposes evil and the salt that prevents rotting, and we restrain the spirit of the AntiChrist. Do not believe Satan Lucifer’s “ordained & allowed & trained” pastors’ redefined Bible verses that you can get shot in the head by Freemason Jesuit Wicca Black Ops assassins, and your home gas pipes blown apart by CIA NSA MI6 FBI assassins, and your car remote-controlled off cliffs, but instead, believe God’s original Bible verses and kamikaze attack the enemy by exposing all their names and crimes and plans and secrets and activities and evils. If you remain silent, or if you insult God by trying to appease both Satan Lucifer and God by modifying & diluting & sterilizing & picking & choosing & editing the truth, then you are condoning the evils and you are coconspirators with Satan Lucifer. Glorify and exemplify God with honor, because Jesus gave his life for you on the cross so that you may receive forgiveness for sins and the gift of eternal life, dear brethren. Bullets and nuclear bombs and devils cannot harm you. We are invincible in Christ who loves us. All the fallen angel devils and people and groups who come to attack us will get destroyed as the Word of God says. Repent and receive Jesus as Savior, and make straight the way of the Lord! End of transmission…

Photos at: https://mewe.com/i/chapihezver
Photos at: https://gab.com/humanracesurvivalresistance
Photos at: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100018513877047

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