Video - audio bad video but…

2 years ago


The video is not the greatest its video of the satellites that they have and are using for their Remote Neural Monitoring RNM and EMF BROADCASTS Electromagnetic fields, Which I believe is making everything around me a little higher on the scale its increasing the microtesla reading on everything. They broadcasting recording mind raping droning out my neighbors reading their minds and brainwashing them as well I’m sure, I mean duh, like a feee pass right??!!? It’s not how the noise from the road that is finest away from the house right now. barons perpendicular pretty much. What I’m saying is loud as can be. somehow. Sounds personifying or magnifying itself louder and it’s farther away. They usually have three or four ufo or satellites around me in like a perimeter setup or forcefield .. rat in a cage style. if youve ever seen the running man movie. Old score but yes they again seem to be bored with all the theft and slave, molestation, and have combined ideas(movies) like they would come up with something original, as if…. A Person of interest, the revolution , red dawn, matrix, hunt for red October, the net, varsity blues and not sure 100 on why, AI gots to be smarter than these catz (PP) :) ….  Illegally imprisoned my POW #299824133 I am a citizen of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND I DEMAND THE RELEASE: INCLUDING those under any MIND CONTROL (all human beings) , all POW hostages slaves and arranged marriages and relationships , returned to precapture status. Release and turn over of the remaining groups/ districts. So the criminal elements/terrorist group and treasonist entities can be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crimes against the government. I put this before you and all parties as POTUSAL. Due to the problematic pending personality issues that surfaced not only to fraudulent registered voters, but to the health of correct elected officials of the USA, due to the circumstances of “Havana Syndrome, Covid, mental health due to unsafe and unknown factors that quite well jeopardize the entire foundation upon which our government is supposed to be founded on. Got to stick to the roots boys.  
ok well yes, all for now. more/and or Changes to follow from this side I’m sure as the terrorist cells like to be problematic and draw things out until the dead horse they are beating is … well squirrel.. meaning My recommendation is this is going up public Better They try not to be as issue field in point Perceptive as They try to be and usually kicks them in their own behind or whosever body they astral-projected into or as government called it in then 1960a during mk-ultra, brainsharing.

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