Sept 14, 2019 - Mite check, Alcohol Wash - Hive #1

5 years ago

First time doing an alcohol mite wash. Hive #1, the biggest hive. They also didn't get a Summer Solstice split, so I figured they probably have the highest mite load. They washed a 2% (8 mites per 400 bees, actually counted them). I decided not to treat for the mites. Still haven’t seen queen. Fed a pollen patty, reduced to one honey super. Bees weren’t happy, it was pretty early in the day. Did see wet brood, and some eggs.
I should have either treated this hive with OAV or preformed a post summer solstice split in early July. I think because I didn't, that is why this hive is dead now. Discovered dead on Jan. 14, 2020. I may send the bees off for testing to see if a cause can be determined.
Happy Beekeeping.

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