Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: How to Boost Low Testosterone & Turn Back the Clock

5 years ago

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Do you have a “dad bod”? I’ve heard it’s all the rage these days.

Or maybe you’re getting an extra curve or two where you don’t want one?

You could be working out and eating the same way you did when you were younger, but you're not getting results anymore, you're still putting on weight or you've reached a plateau. This happens to so many of us, it's happened to me.

Well, today we’re here with Dr. Anthony Balduzzi. After watching his own Dad lose his health and pass away at the young age of 42, Dr. Balduzzi founded The Fit Father Project to help other busy fathers get and stay permanently healthy for their families.

Dr. Anthony holds dual degrees in Nutrition and Neuroscience from the University of Pennsylvania, a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, and is also a national champion bodybuilder.

Today he’s joining us on the show to talk about:

*What to do about low testosterone
*How to make meal prep convenient and fun
*Favorite workouts for turning back the clock
*How to stay in shape as you age
*Strategies for overcoming mental blocks and staying in control
*And tons more…

Read the show notes: https://fatburningman.com/dr-anthony-balduzzi-how-to-boost-low-testosterone-turn-back-the-clock

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