Pandemic 'Coronavirus' Information To Consider! What's REALLY Happening?

5 years ago
This is the love of Jesus 'Yeshua', that knowledge is power and that we are forewarned WELL in advance, so that we can take the needed steps to prepare and be ready. Our Lord is sooo good and loving, that he makes sure that we know, from his promise and the WORD of our Holy Father, in advance of what's to come and to be ready for it. This particular 'Coronavirus' is something that should be taken seriously and prepared for, before it meets us face to face. It is wise and prudent to be aware of our surroundings and to prepare for possible situations that we may encounter. So, in this video, I share my thoughts and what I've done to prepare myself and my family. We know that we are living in the last days and many of us are very familiar with the WORD of God, and of the warnings of what's to come. So, all the more reason to be prepared, as best as we can be. I share some very interesting footage, so as to help you to realize that we aren't to simply trust what is said, but to always look at what is to be seen. Pictures reveal more than words, in some cases, and I think this particular 'case' the pictures I'll show you says a lot!!! I hope to help convince you to prepare and be ready, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and yes, physically for what may or may not come. Be ready precious children of the Most High God of Israel.
#Coronavirus #chinavirus #pandemic

*Link to Marfoogle TV:

*Link to my visions video:
*Link to 'Money Virus' warning video:

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