Where's My Refund? (READ DESCRIPTION BOX) #shortstories #christianfiction Open Talk #gangstalking

3 years ago

Vivian Nash recently got her taxes prepared. She's getting a BEAUTIFUL refund! Her jealous sister, Erin tries to pry into her business, wondering how much she's going to get. It turns out that Erin is getting a bigger refund than her. Usually spiteful, Erin surprisingly offered to combine their refund checks & do something special together. Vivian hesitated because she wondered if Erin was plotting an underhanded, sneaky way to hijack her (Vivian's) check & use it all up for herself.

Vivian didn't realize that Erin had repented & changed her filthy ways. They have been estranged for years. Vivian still hasn't forgiven Erin for past sibling abuse. She has her guard up, trying to protect herself from any more hurt.

Erin said, "Look, Viv. I know I've done you wrong in the past. I found out about how Jesus Christ can cleanse us & save our souls. If we don't forgive each other, then Jesus won't forgive us. I feel terrible for the way I mistreated you."

At first, Vivian wasn't buying it. She thought that Erin was just trying to hoover her back in, for an excuse to gather recent intel to further abuse her. It's been such a long time, & Vivian believes in second chances.

Vivian started to become a Christian, & she was reading certain scriptures about money, especially Jesus's teachings. She pondered on what to do with the refund check. She was nervous because she knows that she needs to survive. She was getting impatient, & her refund check seemingly couldn't come fast enough. Erin already got hers really quick because she filed electronically & got hers sent direct deposit. Vivian filed on paper & selected postal mail because she preferred the old school way.

Vivian kept compulsively looking up the IRS "Where's My Refund" page over 100 times a day, having panic attacks. She wishes that she would've filed electronically & got direct deposit. She was low on money & financially struggling. Erin told Vivian that it was in God's plan for Vivian to not file electronically, to teach her to have patience. Vivian thought Erin was using a new tactic to use Bible scriptures to play mind games, but that wasn't so. Erin truly changed. Not 100%, but she changed.

Erin said, "Well, since you're old school, let's combine our tax refund check together & run an old-fashioned hand sewing business." Vivian said, "No. I'm not interested in doing that. Maybe I should just donate to charity."

Erin chuckled & said, "What charity? The freedom trucker convoy, or the Russia/Ukraine war?"

Vivian looked up & said, "How insensitive! See? You didn't change!" & she stormed out of the room.

Later on, she came back, & Erin said, "I apologize. That's wasn't the best joke. I just wanted you to see that it's not good to donate to major charities, especially Salvation Army & Red Cross because they're part of the NWO agendas. See? The mainstream media says not to donate to homeless because they're scammers & frauds who will just take your money & spend it on booze & drugs, but it's these fake charities who are the real scammers. That's what I want you to understand. It's the reverse of what's true."

She went on to explain to Vivian about this fake Satanic NWO Matrix system that we live in. This prison planet. She explained that this world is not our home, & that it belongs to Satan. Christians are a peculiar people.

Vivian finally got her tax refund check, & they both started using the refund money for their underground mission to secretly pray with & feed the homeless. They would both cook meals together every Thursday evening & create & print out their own gospel tracts, handing the tracts out to both rich & poor. Erin did the words, while Vivian did the illustrations. More people joined in, donated & volunteered. Their mission rapidly grew bigger. They started feeding every day & also giving away clothing that they dumpster dived for or got for free on Craigslist. They began also handing out Bibles & toiletries. Then, they started accumulating more donations & helped procure blankets & water. Everything just kept growing, & they were able to finally help homeless people get jobs & permanent housing.


My open diary


My fiction short story.


Hopefully, my blog can help me make a living & survive.



#Homeless #TargetedIndividual #GangStalking #Entrepreneur #Author #IndieAuthor


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