How Fiat Currency DESTROYS AN ECONOMY! (Shocking Insights Revealed)

5 years ago

Fiat currency inevitably leads to social unrest. 👉ARE YOU PREPARED? 👈 Since 1971 the world has been on a pure fiat currency system so we can thank fiat currency for massive inflation, asset bubbles, inequality, financializing the economy, and crippling amounts of debt. Unfortunately it doesn't stop there, with a fixed money supply tied to a commodity, as an example, we'd eliminate most of the systemic risk in the financial system today as well as most wars. Fiat currency is why the Fed has so much power and why the government has grown to a size indistinguishable from what it was even 20 years ago. A fiat monetary is at the heart of almost every problem we face in our society today. If you have any interest in the economy this is a must watch video!

In this video on why the fiat currency system will lead to a collapse in the entire house of cards I discuss the following:

1. Fiat currency vs. gold standard
2. Fiat currency leads to social unrest
3. Fiat currency end game!

Macro Voices episode used in video

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#Dollarcollapse #GoldStandard # hyperinflation

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