The Simcha Series: Sam Glaser - Elokai Neshama

5 years ago

Temple Ner Simcha in Westlake Village is proud to present, “The Simcha Series: A Celebration of Jewish Arts”. This monthly series features some of the greatest Jewish artists of the 21st Century, and will take place on the first Sunday of every month in 2019 (except October). There is no cover charge: all shows are free, open to the general public, and family friendly.

Rabbi Michael Barclay, the spiritual leader of Ner Simcha added, “It is part of our temple’s belief that synagogues should present opportunities for the community-at-large to appreciate the richness and beauty of Jewish music and comedy, without being forced to pay outrageous ticket prices.

Temple Ner Simcha ( is the first non-Orthodox temple in the nation that has no membership dues (recommended or mandatory), no cost for High Holy Day Tickets, no cost for Bar/Bat Mitzvah training, adult education, or any programming. These concerts are simply another reflection of the values of this inclusive community, which has grown to over 1200 people since its formation just over 3 years ago and is supported through the kindness and generosity of the community. These concerts are designed as an invitation to come and be part of a Jewish spiritual community after the recent fires and tragic shooting. Committed to joy as a way of healing, this is Ner Simcha’s way of promoting healing through music and laughter.

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