What you need to know about Freemason & How they control your life by Jennifer G # 12

2 years ago

Topic: Secrets of the Freemasons revealed from the personal experience of Jennifer S. Gerhardt, speaker and business owner. Learn why Jennifer believes females are excluded from joining mainstream Freemasonry; along with how many circumambulations there should be during the First Degree initiation! Who or what is behind the Freemasons--and, which eye is the Masonic eye? Don't get fooled by back-masking videos . . . this is the real information revealed by an actual targeted individual by the Illuminati.

For her sunday class please click this link
URL link for Sunday 1pm Class: https://bookjsg.setmore.com/
Join her instagram at @jennifersgerhardt

For lectures and interviews, I prefer to use Jennifer S. Gerhardt, and for readings G.M.G. (which is the acronym for Grand Master Gerhardt, my spiritual name).
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