July 29, 2022

2 years ago

Dear (Place the Name of the Attorney General here),

As a concerned citizen, I am writing you to request that you bring before a grand jury a matter of utmost importance concerning crimes against humanity employing Gain of Function research in the United States.

I have joined my voice with a growing contingency that are asking you to review the material links contained in a letter written by Dr. Richard Fleming - one of the foremost research scientist of SARS-CoV-2 Virus and COVID-19. Specifically, I am asking that you help to convene a Grand Jury for individuals utilizing GAIN OF FUNCTION research for Crimes Against Humanity.

Dr. Fleming’s letter contains links to all the information you may need to pursue indictments for the individuals responsible behind the travesty of COVID-19.
Please confirm receipt of my letter and your plans to move forward with our demand for justice.


Place your name here.

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