God Gradually Showed Himself

2 years ago

Poem written by DDBall
written 27/7/22 for Nagle's Got Talent
I was raised atheist
Told of Adam and Eve, Noah and Moses
I did not believe
God gradually showed himself

Jonah ran from God’s task
He did not want his people humbled
He did not want God’s favour on others
God, gradually, showed himself

In exile, Jews hungered for home
Their best were used and humbled
They begged God for help
God, gradually, showed himself

An entire nation rose to attack Greece
Greece survived
A lands bridge exists today
God, gradually, showed himself

Jesus was crucified and wrapped in a sheet
After three days, He rose from the dead
The sheet exists today.
God, gradually, showed himself

I found I needed God
I can’t do what I want alone
I prayed for help
God, gradually, showed himself

I had rejected God
I had spat on God
I now embrace God
God, gradually, showed himself
God, gradually, showed himself
God, gradually, showed himself
I chose the Greece example because it has archaeology tying in with the Bible. The Bible has it that a king took his entire nation and court with him, some 20 million to chastise a nation that had dared to resist him. Historically, we know the so called 300 Spartans held a pass and delayed a Persian invasion that would have crushed Greece. The lands bridge that the Persian built for 20 million men women and children still exists today.
I chose the shroud of Turin example because I believe it to be real. The shroud is older than the patch which was carbon dated. The weave pattern is consistent with other first century examples. The reason why the image is fixed can be explained in terms of the cleaning fluids known to be used at the time. The Bible presents a good reason to believe that the shroud had been washed before Jesus’ body would have been placed in it.

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