Simply Redefining Unflattering Things Will Work: Thus, The WH Has Redefined "Recession"

2 years ago

Au 2022

The Whitehouse is redefining, as in re stating, recession. Why anyone would feel the need to do this, without the symptoms of a recession being present is beyond me. Why bring something up if it is not a problem. They just woke up one day and said, “I think it’s High time we redefined the word recession, for no reason at all”? No, there is a reason. The reason is it’s too close to, if not actually true. It’s like when vaccine companies said vaccines don’t cause Autism. Perhaps it was not developing the same way or use the same malignant mechanisms as the name brand disease, but if you have all of the symptoms, then what it is called is just a technically. What’s in a name and all that. So, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck… It’s a recession. Guys, If you have to tell people that a recession is not happening because it does not fit the absolute technical definition of what a recession is, than you have already lost. Further, your redefining it tells us that enough people believe that they are in one, likely because they themselves feel it. But fine, White House if you want us to stop calling it that because it lacks minutia, fine. In which case I’d like you to explained why we just shut down the country for an inaccurately hyped Virus.

Have a nice day.

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