He Abideth Faithful a sermon on God's Sovereignty and Grace - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson Turner

2 years ago

This sermon was preached on the Lord's Day June 22, 2014 by Pastor Nelson Turner of AV1611HOUR. The doctrine which is according to godliness which is exegeted in the words preached are for the correction of those who think that the Lord God is some beggar awaiting the willful decisions of men and women to "invite" the Lord into their lives. The notion that the Sovereign Lord of all creation is waiting for anything to happen that He has not purposed to happen exactly when and how He intends it to occur is an absurdity which deceives sinful man into believing in man's power as somehow commensurate with or even greater than that of God. Though all deny Him, He cannot deny Himself, and will do what He in His perfect will has purposed to do with each and every one of His creature's.
Men should take heed thereby and work out their own salvation with fear and trembling (if indeed the Lord has granted them salvation by granting them cover under the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ who died once to save His people from their sins, and having risen from the dead; is set on the right hand of throne of the Majesty in the heavens; wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.) "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near..." Isaiah 55:6 (KJV)
As you listen, pay attention to what the word of God reveals about sin. One way God cannot deny Himself is in the necessity of punishment for sin: for the wicked by their eternal damnation; and for the Elect by their chastening unto correction in this life. "...Your sins have withholden good things from you." All have sinned, and all are prone to sin unless stayed by the grace or power of God. But we are obliged to repent and to put away our sins, indeed to be dead to sin who are alive in Christ Jesus. Little children, keep yourselves from idols.
If this is a blessing to you by God's grace, please write to Pastor Turner at P.O. Box 257 Grantville, PA 17028 or via e-mail at Bookland@Comcast.net to let him know that the Lord has blessed you in this preaching. You may also write to Pastor Turner if by your study of God's eternal, infallible word, the AV1611 King James Bible, you have honest questions about the fa

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