🙋‍♂️What Are the Possible Penalties for a Money Seizure? Customs Airport Cash Seizure

5 years ago

The possible #penalties for a #money #seizure by #CBP (U.S. Customs & Border Protection) vary from losing the money through forfeiture or paying a penalty, or worse, jail 🚔 time and steep fines. In this video, customs attorney Jason P. Wapiennik of Great Lakes Customs Law explains the possible -- and likely -- penalties in these cases.

Learn more about the currency seizure process using our money seizure legal guide from our website. Here are links to the articles:

🚩 Currency Seizure Legal Guide (a page with links to all articles) - https://greatlakescustomslaw.com/money-seizures/
🚩 Cash Reporting Requirement & FinCen 105 - https://greatlakescustomslaw.com/money-seizures/cash-reporting-requirement-fincen-105-2/
🚩 Failure to Report Cash to Customs - https://greatlakescustomslaw.com/money-seizures/failure-to-report-cash-to-customs-fincen-105/
🚩 Bulk Cash Smuggling Seizure -https://greatlakescustomslaw.com/money-seizures/bulk-cash-smuggling/
🚩 Customs Cash Seizure for Structuring -https://greatlakescustomslaw.com/money-seizures/structuring-31-usc-5324-cash-seizure/
🚩 Responding to a Cash Seizure Custody Receipt from CBP -https://greatlakescustomslaw.com/money-seizures/responding-to-cash-seizure-custody-receipt-from-customs-fpf/
🚩 The Customs (CBP) Election of Proceedings Form -https://greatlakescustomslaw.com/money-seizures/the-customs-cbp-election-of-proceedings-form/
🚩 Petition for Return of Seized Cash -https://greatlakescustomslaw.com/money-seizures/administrative-petition-for-remission-or-mitigation-of-cash-seized/
🚩 Customs Decision Time - https://greatlakescustomslaw.com/money-seizures/cbp-decision-time-on-petition/
🚩 CAFRA Seized Asset Claim Form -https://greatlakescustomslaw.com/money-seizures/cafra-seized-asset-claim-form/
🚩 Making an Offer in Compromise to Settle Cash Seizure Case -https://greatlakescustomslaw.com/money-seizures/offer-in-compromise/
🚩 Remain silent and do not call Customs after currency seizure https://greatlakescustomslaw.com/money-seizures/remain-silent-and-do-not-call-customs-after-the-currency-seizure/

🚩🚩🚩 These videos and these articles are not legal advice. If you need legal advice, contact us at https://greatlakescustomslaw.com/money-seizures/contact-great-lakes-customs-law/ or 734-855-4999.

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