Scott Nelson: Does Red Light Therapy Actually Work?

5 years ago

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You've heard all about red light therapy, right?

Maybe you've heard that near-infrared and red light therapy can help you with inflammation, collagen production, and skin health in general.

Or maybe you've heard red light improves recovery, sleep, and cognition.

Can red light therapy do our taxes, too?

If you're wondering how to separate the hype from reality, this is definitely the show for you.

As you know, I can be highly skeptical of new tech that promises the moon. But it's also important in this wacky world of health to have an open mind and be willing to experiment. And I have to say, I am fascinated and intrigued by light therapy.

In a recent Ask Me Anything, you asked about saunas, red light therapy, near and infrared. Are they worth it?

The folks at Joovv were generous enough to send us a unit to try, and I’ve experimented with several more devices since. I was surprised and impressed by how quickly I noticed improved recovery after my hill runs at elevation (which usually kick my a$$ the next day).

Today we’re here with Scott Nelson, one of the co-founders of Joovv, and the host of Medsider Radio, a top-ranked medical device podcast.

On today’s show, we’re chatting about:

*Why Olympic and pro athletes are turning to red light therapy
*The difference between the sauna and the steam room
*The link between light therapy and improved cognitive function
*How photobiomodulation helps stimulate cell regeneration
*And tons more…

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