Leadership, Communication, and Accountability with Jodee Bock

5 years ago

"...and that's where I get my heartbroken all the time....when I want more for someone than they want it for themselves."

Jodee Bock believes that leadership needs to be emotional, but it doesn’t mean what you might think it does. In this fun and engaging interview, Brad and Jodee talk about what it really takes to run a company.

Jodee Bock Bio

Jodee Bock is an accidental entrepreneur who started her own business, Bock's Office Transformational Consulting, in response to a series of career moves that highlighted those elements she didn't even realize were missing. She says she left Corporate America as an employee to start her own business to help people stay and thrive.

She is a speaker, author, trainer, facilitator and coach in the areas of Leadership, Communication, and Accountability.

Her newest book, P.O.W.E.R. Tools at Work, was just released last week.

Host: Brad Szollose

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