Is In-Vitro Fertilization Ethical? | Stephanie Gray Connors on The Dr J Show ep. 143

2 years ago

Stephanie Gray Connors is most known for her riveting pro-life presentation at Google headquarters that went viral in 2017. She tackles tough topics with thoughtfulness, care, and compassion. A seasoned and international speaker, Stephanie is originally from Canada, and began presenting at the age of 18. She has given over 1,000 pro-life presentations over two decades across North America as well as in Scotland, England, Ireland, Austria, Latvia, Guatemala, Mexico, and Costa Rica.  She has spoken at many post-secondary institutions such as Yale University, George Washington University, and the University of California, Berkeley.  

Stephanie has debated abortion advocates such as abortionists in front of medical students at universities.  She has debated Princeton philosophy professor Pete Singer, National Coalition of Abortion Providers executive director Ron Fitzsimmons, legal director for NARAL Elizabeth Cavendish, medical director for International Planned Parenthood Federation Dr. Malcolm Potts, and many others.  In 2019, Stephanie participated in an historic eight-woman debate on abortion at La Ciudad de las Ideas (CDI) in Puebla, Mexico.

Besides speaking on abortion, she also presents on assisted suicide. Stephanie has been a guest on CTV News, CBC News, CBC’s The Current, Global News, EWTN, Back to the Bible, Catholic Answers Radio, Relevant Radio, 100 Huntley Street’s Listen Up, and the Miracle Channel’s Insight.  She has been interviewed by ABC-, NBC-, FOX-, and CBS-affiliated television news programs throughout the Midwest of the United States.

Stephanie is author of the books Conceived by Science: Thinking Carefully and Compassionately about Infertility and IVF, and, Start with What: 10 Principles for Thinking about Assisted Suicide, and, Love Unleashes Life: Abortion & the Art of Communicating Truth. 

She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from UBC in Vancouver, and a Certification, with Distinction, in Health Care Ethics, from the NCBC in Philadelphia.

Love Unleashes Life:

Stephanie’s book CONCEIVED BY SCIENCE: Thinking Carefully and Compassionately About Infertility and IVF:

Catholic instruction of the dignity of the human person:

More about Stephanie’s books:

Stephanie’s talk "Abortion: From Controversy to Civility":

Stephanie’s talk "The Case Against IVF":

Katy Faust of Them Before Us on The Dr J Show:

RI pamphlet "Children and Donor Conception and Assisted Reproduction":

Dr. Morse’s article on Dave Rubin "adopting" a child:

Dr. Thomas Hilgers on The Dr J Show:


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