Storm Watch

2 years ago

Wow, the wind is whipping in our cultural chaos. Change is swirling up some incredible emotional tornados. It used to be that we could keep safe from the storms, but now they are so violent, that they are interrupting out lives in ways we could not have even begun to imagine. Times are changing, but God is not. God remains steadfast and faithfully working on our behalf for our good and His glory. This is what the Providential Care of God looks like, these two purposes our good and His glory, intermingled in an Advocacy on our behalf for His Kingdom. The most miraculous way to live is with a kingdom perspective, shedding ourselves of a worldly viewpoint and doing life with Jesus, giving the Holy Spirit of God total access to our lives. It is a great God Adventure these cultural storms. God is doing new things that He has never done before. Seek God, find Him in the storm, He is in the midst of it. Storm Watch is not letting the storms off the horizon of our life, frighten us, but instead, clinging tighter to God, digging our life roots deeply in His Kingdom. Don’t react to the whirlwind, respond to God first. Walk in followship with God, knowing that the truth of our Salvation is that we are never alone, never unequipped for the Storm Watch. The storms may be whipping up some nasty stuff in our culture and it may feel like an overwhelming chaos around us, but it can be well with our soul. God is with us. He will never not be with us, our faithful God. There is nothing He can’t do, there is no one who is more powerful than Him. The Sword He has yielded is a Truth that stands the tests of time. As you find yourself in a storm watch, pick up the Bible and let God speak His truth into your soul. Peace, be still, let be, be still and know I AM God. Dig Deeper:

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