Round-Table: Tamara Lich Released AGAIN; CTV Thugs Show their True Colors.

2 years ago

V4F Ops-Sgt Maj, Jeff Evely, hosts a round-table of special guests, to discuss Tamara's most recent release from an Ottawa jail.

Special Guests:

Danny Bulford: retired Trudeau-security-detail RCMP ERT sniper, and Mounties 4 Freedom (M4F) Representative, arrested during the Freedom Convoy, as a fellow organizer of Tamara's.

Chris Dacey: Master-Carpenter turned independent muckraker, who was on-scene for Tamar's release, and the scuffle that ensued.

Tom Quiggan: V4F Int O, provides all the best intelligence and analysis, of the events confluening around Tamara's release.

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