Your Story Matters - A former Muslim's journey to Jesus - Mel Onluoglu with Pastor Jason Henderson

5 years ago

1 Peter 3:13-17, Colossians 4:5-6

Why Should We Share Our Testimony?

1. Everyone Has A Story

2. God Tells and Encourages Us To Share Our Story With Others

3. When We Share, We Fight Our Fears And Live Courageously.

4. The World Has A Hard Time Disputing You Story.

5. Our Stories Show Our Transparency.

6. Your Experiences, Pain, Hurts, Rejections, Fears, and Doubts Become Someone Else’s Power, Healing, Acceptance, Strength, and Conviction.

7. Sharing Reminds You Of What Christ Did In Your Life.

8. Your Story Brings Glory and Honor To The Lord.

Some of the best testimonies involve singing and trusting God even when you’re in the midst of trials and troubling circumstances or as Charles Spurgeon puts it, singing in the night.

Try and sing in the night, Christian, for that is one of the best arguments in the entire world in favor of your religion…I tell you, we may preach fifty thousand sermons to prove the gospel, but we will not prove it half as well as you will by singing in the night. ~ Charles Spurgeon

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