Rare WW2 StuH 42 - Sturmhaubitze 42 Early - Late footage

4 years ago

The StuH 42 was developed in 1942, as a variant of the StuG III Ausf.F with a 105 mm howitzer under the ordnance name Sturmhaubitze 42, Sd.Kfz.142/2. It was a late reversion to the close infantry support rôle, but with a more modern chassis, as more Ausf.F/8s and Ausf.Gs were used for the antitank rôle.
The late version would see many chances to save material and the muzzle break was dropped.
About 1300 vehicles were built by Alkett from March 1943 to March 1945, after an initial delivery of 12 vehicles tested from repaired F and F/8s between the fall of 1942 and January 1943.

■ Information obtained from several sites.
■ Wikipedia
■ tanks-encyclopedia
■ the.shadock.free.fr/Surviving_Panzers
■ preservedtanks
■ pantser.net
■ the.shadock.free.fr/Tanks_in_France

■ Some music is from the YouTube Audio Library.

■ Music used:

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