Miyolinux-jwm-Debian; my [joint!] distro of the year 2020...

5 years ago

The Miyolinux Devuan 'Beowulf' version in the stable shares the honours!!
Dependent whether or not you can live with 'systemd', choose your preferred poison! I have two completely counterpoise - but equally capable versions - now installed to hardware. Dan is always a hard-act to follow, and these 'jwm' builds show he is right at the very top of the pile when it comes to constructing a distro, and then allocating the required attention-to-detail that gives the experience that very final touch to making something really great.
I have said it before about Dan's work [2018], but I'm happy to repeat myself and say, "I wish I had done that..!" Only this time, the work is even better!!
Get over to Dan's channel for the full lowdown, and then get some sheer excellence by downloading your preferred version.
Dan is at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYiPwGBGTJFQg_GggFfvfig
Thanks for watching....

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