Healing the inflamed and leaky gut - Judy Mikovits

2 years ago

A selection of subjects spoken about:

Vaccines and antibiotics disrupts the development of the gastrointestinal track of infants.

The gut can be considered as the second brain.

70% of immune system is in the gut.

Microbial burden is a key issue in chronic disease.

Metabolic effects on intestinal mucosa (mucous membrane)

MMR vaccines creating an inappropriate inflammation in the gut (Dr. Andrew Wakefield)

The brain can alter the gut microbiome.

Diseases associated with retro viruses can be considered to have a component of a disturbance of the microbiome, all of those diseases that we considered psychiatric or psychosomatic are in fact acquired immune deficiency's

Acquired immunological susceptibility to chronic inflammatory diseases:
Polysorbate 80, Aluminum and Thimerosal (mercury) in Vaccines and GMO's leads to gut dysbiosis, a disease engine is created, repeated cytokine storm witch leads to more inflammation. it breaks down the brain microbiome and the blood-brain barrier.

Natural fatty acids are extremely important (Short-, Medium-, and Long-Chain Fatty Acids).
Polyunsaturated fatty acids drive inflammation.

Without the appropriate gut microbiome immune therapies won't work.

Adding probiotics to a inflamed and leaky gut makes things worse. solve the problem by removing the toxins first.

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