Mayor Hammond expected to approve Communist statue

2 years ago

UPDATE: The city council and mayor have approved all of the art pieces excluding the communist fist. One city council member voted in favor of the communist fist statue, Dan English.

How did we get here? Mayor Hammond appointed Abby Light to the Arts Commission. She was placed on the ArtCurrents sub-committee, which selects artwork to be installed in the city. One of the statues selected was "Solidarity", a raised, clenched fist. Abby is on video saying it is " important and good statement."

CDA Arts Commission unanimously approved this statue. Jennifer Drake was not concerned with public backlash, but questions were raised about being forced to take it down before the 1 year period ended, like the hammer and sickle statue, Marker 11, in 2019.

When the mayor approves the statue, it will be installed in Coeur d'Alene through the ArtCurrents program and the artist will be paid $1,000 with taxpayer funds. It will be available to see for a 1 year period with an optional 2nd year, and another stipend of $1,000 to the artist.

Quotes from that July 26th meeting:

"I am really energized by these pieces."
Amy Evans, City Council

" important and good statement."
Abby Light, Arts Commissioner

"It's going to be the same handful of people who complain about it..."
Jennifer Drake, Arts Commissioner

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