🖕👉👮 Robbo's Driving Tip # 17 - 😂 Timing Is Everything

2 years ago

Here's my Zombie Land Driving Tip #17. Timing is everything.
The only way to plan to get in to a bank and rob it.. is to Plan to get out.
Work on those depth perception skills folks...
Especially you ladies that havent worked out when driving where you will NEED to stop your car for a red light without breaking your passenger's necks...... STIILLLL doing 60 - still not coasting over the brake.. SSTILLLLLLL not braking at all... almost at a line of STOPPED cars - ....
Those people probably bit UN-CO yeah ?? cant catch a ball properly ... cant Line up a ball to hit it with a cricket bat.....

So... in closing... what did we learn...

If you abso-fukn-lutely nufkiink... CORRECT !!!
ok so my point was something about - really start being aware of your surroundings... Look UP a bit more often. Adults dont really look up til last ... so you could hide in a tree from someone chasing you... and they will just keep looking on ground level.. because they will never think to look half way up a tree for you...

there ya go... I knew there was a learn something knew every day moment..

But seriously folks.... Unless it's an animal that can climb a tree or someone chasing you -= too close to see you scamper up some tree.. just keep running.. lol

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