Paul Gautschi Biography 2nd Edition Indiegogo - L2Survive with Thatnub

5 years ago

Today the crowdfunding campaign for the 2nd edition of Growing Food God's Way has started. Working with Paul Gautschi, I have added 100 more pages and 3 new chapters! Many original chapters have new info in them. Retail $20. Earlybird Indiegogo cost: $18

Here is the link:

Please check it out today and see if one of the many Perks is a fit for you. It is important that there be the most activity at the beginning of this effort to raise $15k for 1000s of new paperbacks AND a new audiobook, plus 2nd edition eBook. The resources will also upgrade the book website. It would be an honor and favor if you would participate in even the smallest ways.

Perks start at $8 and go up to $1000 (plus shipping) for 100 books.
Ten people will get their names in the book's Acknowledgement page as Sponsors of this effort by purchasing the Sponsor perk.
Will you be one of them? You can also secure a Private Screening of a 3+ hour tour of Paul's garden and orchard! (Only 50 of these!).

Thanks for your friendship and please share the link above with others you know. You don't have to be a gardener to appreciate the wisdom of Paul Gautschi and the awesomeness of God throughout the book.

In His hands,
David Devine

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