WEF’s Yuval Noah Harari Talks About Becoming ‘Beyond The God Of The Bible’

2 years ago

Yuval Noah Harari: ”If we succeed, and there’s a very good chance we will, then very soon, we will be beyond the god of the bible”

As each human is replaced, they will transition to the growing numbers of a “useless” class. Creating a “useless” class of people that cannot find employment means they are unable to maintain or improve their standard of living. This is the future they are pushing for. We are all in the way of their utopia. They aim to rid the world of God’s creations and be the rulers and gods of the dystopia they create.

They don’t even hide the truth of what they want. They proudly speak of it and count on the MSM brainwashing everyone so well that no one thinks to look anywhere outside the MSM/propaganda/mind control they feed & stream the masses 24/7. We are “the useless class”, after all.

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