2 years ago

Lancaster County Conservation District showed up today to conduct an electrofishing survey of the creek that runs through my property. I got to help!

We caught many wild and stocked Brown Trout (including a couple over 12"), a 20" American Eel (missed another one), and many Black Nose Darters, Cutlip Minnows, Tessellated Darters, Fallfish, White Suckers, Rosy-Sided Dace, and Long-Nose Dace.

My dang Jo-Pro only recorded a couple minutes because the Looping function was deactivated last time I removed the battery...unbeknownst to me at the time...and there was only enough room on the SD card for a few minutes video. Of course, I didn't realize this until we were finished with the survey. Grrrrr!

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