What Should Your Former Co-Workers Say in a Letter Supporting Your Disability Claim

5 years ago

Statements from your former co-workers or supervisors about problems you had performing your past work can be very persuasive evidence in your Social Security disability claim.

Social Security disability judges are concerned about one thing - do your diagnosed medical problems leave you without the capacity to reliably perform simple, entry-level work.

Your medical records are necessary because the judge needs to see that you have a serious, diagnosed medical problem. If your doctor will offer an opinion about how your medical problems or medications impact work activities, your case will be stronger.

Statements from former co-workers or supervisors are an underused type of evidence that can make the difference between winning and losing. Former co-workers and supervisors can speak to specific problems they observed when you tried to work despite your deteriorating medical condition.

As I discuss in this video, statements from former co-workers should explain to the judge how long the co-worker knew you, how frequently they saw you and what they personally observed about your struggles at work. These statements should not appear to advocate for you but factual in nature, and they should include specifics as much as possible.

If you'd like to read more about what effective statements from former co-workers or supervisors should say, please check out the blog post I wrote about this subject here: https://www.ssdanswers.com/statement-former-coworkers/

I make myself available to the former co-worker to offer direction about how to write up these statements but I think that the statement needs to be entirely in the co-workers’ voice to demonstrate it is sincere and truthful.

I suggest that these evidentiary statements be put on Form SSA 795 and should be submitted by your lawyer to insure that they are associated with your file.

I have won favorable decisions for a number of clients where the judge specifically mentioned co-worker statements in the written decision. Judges have also told me in post-hearing conversations that this type of statement can be very persuasive evidence.

So I ask my clients to help identify one or more former co-workers or supervisors who would be open to producing a statement and you should consider this option as well. #bestevidencesocialsecuritydisability #statementsfromformerco-workers #howtowinsocialsecuritydisability

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=================CONTACT ME========================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Website: https://www.ssdAnswers.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GinsbergLaw/
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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