Drone "lifeguards" saving from drowning

2 years ago

A pioneering drone lifeguard has saved a 14-year-old boy from drowning in the sea in Valencia in Spain.

The drone lifeguard service, which has been rolled out across Spanish beaches, dropped a life vest into the sea this month that was able to keep the teenager afloat just as he started to sink, its operators have said.
1. Drone helps rescue young boy from drowning
A pioneering drone lifeguard service rolled out across Spanish beaches saved the life of a 14-year-old boy this month, as he struggled against a powerful tide off a beach in Valencia, its operators have said.

The drone dropped a life jacket into the sea that was able to keep the teenager afloat just as he started to sink below the waves, until a physical lifeguard team arrived moments later. (RTÉ News)

2. SPANIEN: Dramatisches Video! 14 Jahre alter Junge fast ertrunken - Drohne rettet ihm das Leben

Die Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft rechnet für dieses Jahr mit mehr Badetoten in Brandenburg.
Ein Grund: viele Nichtschwimmer, weil wegen Corona Schwimmkurse ausgefallen sind.
Immer häufiger werden mittlerweile Drohnen zur Lebensrettung eingesetzt. Dass die TATSÄCHLICH Leben retten, zeigte sich gerade erst in Spanien. (WELT Nachrichtensender)

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