Oklahoma Political Mafia EXPOSED: Firm linked to Sex Trafficker caught in Taxpayer Pyramid Scheme

2 years ago

As long as we focus on taking out the remaining RINO politicians left in office, then we will be unstoppable in passing America First policies!

Stew kicks off the show with KILLER monologue that challenges every RINO politicians stature in office today! Stew emphasizes how IMPORTANT it is to keep our children maskless, LQBTQ-less and to keep our states FREE from lockdowns, mandates & tyranny!

But it’s YOUR job to vote on it!

Watch this new segment NOW at http://StewPeters.com!

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Check out http://nootopia.com/StewPeters for help increasing your mental & physical strength to battle the deep-state's KRYPTONITE plot against Americans!

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