Leaving Organized RELIGION And Becoming SPIRITUAL - My Story

5 years ago

#religion #spirituality #DrJoeDispenza #BreakingTheHabitOfBeingYourself

I was a Christian for 14 years and I had some good times and some very bad times with it. I had experienced effortless manifestation through the power of prayer at the beginning years of being a Christian. Then the realities of cognitive dissonance set it, with me having to explain basic logical things of life through the Bible. Things didn't add up and I needed a tool to effortless manifestation and a real change from within. And then I "cried out to God" regarding all this, and "he" answered. In the form of a Google search result leading to Dr. Joe Dispenza. I knew that I knew THAT I KNEW, I now had the answer I was looking for. And I discovered the power and the god within me, and the power of effortless manifestation, once again. It became clear to me that religion is an empty shell of manifestation, pretending to be the real thing. So I became a spiritual person on an individual, non-religious path.

Have you been seeing 11:11 lately? Good news! Your spiritual awakening and significant change is on your way! Check out my video on 11:11 and see how you can go about its power in your life as you learn manifest. https://youtu.be/1tEUtSiipQg

Do you also have a laundry list of bad habits? Check out if any of yours are on my list (and former list) as well! Low vibration habits lower the vibration and it is important to get rid of them as you develop spiritually. Usually, we see it coming and then just need to make a decision and move on with relative ease. Check it out: https://youtu.be/mYaY4XGAMhU

Check out my spiritual gifts, which include zen mugs, chakra t-shirts, and other home goods, and accessories! I have been designing my own high vibe artwork as well as working with other artists to produce artwork for me. Raising one's vibration can be quite a task when living in a 3D reality. It can also be difficult to keep the vibration up, day in and day out. Start your day by drinking your coffee or tea from one of my zen mugs and go to the gym or yoga wearing one of my spiritual t-shirts. Speed up your manifestation with these designs that will keep your vibration high. Check out the store here: http://shop.livingonhighvibe.com/

Are you feeling lonely while you're going through the transformation? The likelihood is high, check out this video to understand the journey: https://youtu.be/JM2m1Wp_XYk

Have you subbed to my living on high vibe channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3lIfVuwi6Y8M0g-S2Epbkg where I am talking about raising the vibration, spiritual topics and a few other topics such as self-improvement and health?

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