The Climate Change Con Job

2 years ago

We have long been told that man-made global warming is real; that it imperils the planet with rising seas, hurricanes and storms; that all nations have a duty to curb the release of carbon dioxide to save the world for future generations. This is said to be "scientific truth," and "climate deniers" are like people who deny that the earth is round.
In fact, the type of harrassment of scientists who are skeptics of anthropogenic global warming are now being lambasted in a language that can only be described as religious, not scientific. It's almost like a modern Inquisition where those who question the orthodoxy are persecuted as "heretics." Thankfully, reasonable people remain skeptical, as they should be.
Over the past 40 years, the establishment has been running the biggest "con job" in history, in order to effect a transfer wealth and power away from the people -- and to themselves.
See also: Interview with Lord Monckton about climate change lies

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