Intro to Bob Jones, Paul Cain, and End Time Revival

2 years ago


We are not to base our ministry on prophetic words, but on our relationship with Jesus and His Word. However, prophetic promises are given to inspire us to persevere in prayer, holiness, and serving. Prophetic promises are given to strengthen our resolve to obey God, to be faithful in prayer, and to help us keep focused on the specific ministry assignment that God gives us.

18This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare… (1 Tim. 1:18)

B. Prophecy is not a guarantee, but an invitation from God to participate with Him in prayer, faith, and obedience. Prophetic promises fuel the prayer life of the Church.

C. The Father has a vast and glorious storyline for the whole Body of Christ in this generation. The Holy Spirit is orchestrating one great move of God in this generation, comprised of many smaller ministry movements that each have a specific ministry assignment. Each has a small yet significant part to play in His global plans. God wants His people to love the whole Church.

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