How Bitcoin Could Free Humanity

2 years ago

Almost every ill that faces the world today has its roots in the debasement of the US Dollar and in our nation's conversion from an honest monetary system which, until 1933, was based upon a redeemable currency to one where banks are have been permitted to conterfeit unlimited amounts of unbacked money.
It has been this easy money that has permitted the Thirteen [central banking] Families to buy up the world's asset wealth through fraud, and to build the walls of the one-world fascist police state (a.k.a. "The New World Order) which they are surrounding us with.
An honest and decentralized monetary system, one which operates independent of governments and oligarchs alike could free humanity from the slavery that's been imposed upon us over the course of past 100 years by the inbred elite who now have complete control over virtually all of the world's fiat monetary systems.

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