#40. Fearful narrowminded people succumb to the fear based propaganda of evil powerbrokers.

2 years ago

Faith gives you the freedom that comes with knowing we are greater than our physical bodies. There are three types of thinkers in this world regarding faith, 1) Those who think there is nothing after physical death. 2) Those who hope but aren't sure. 3) Those who know with every cell in their bodies that we expand into the universe that we come from after the passing of our temporary bodies. Fearful non-believers hold on to what they believe is the only existence they have, (the body in this third dimension). Mask wearers as they jog, drive alone or while ankle dipping in the ocean are thrashed about by agencies like the CDC, FDA and the WHO. A. Fauci, B Gates and Klaus Schwab become their overlords. The people who aren't sure but hope will backslide into non-belief and are prone to succumb to religious dogma but are never really sure. They have one leg chained to the third dimension. Those who "spiritually know better" are generally fearless because their perspective goes way above and beyond the BS and outright lies of this ego driven fear based world. People who truly understand their own spiritual greatness will turn to a higher power than those figures of this world. They understand that their "higher selves" are always there for them. The "higher self" is a future version of you helping you from the sixth dimension. Believe it. I see my higher self nearly every day. So will you.
We are called upon to transmutate and alchemize the thorns of this fearful world. Become the alchemist you are meant to be.

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