2 years ago

[Mirrored] – Fair Use Policy
July 26th, 2022.
McAllister TV

(Note: Lake Erie was very calm the other day, so I took off to our seasonal trailer and spent most of the day fishing on my boat (see thumbnail) and as I was preparing a fresh Walleye to cook for supper, I listened to Linda’s most recent video above on my iPad. I was quite amazing at how all recent circumstances worked out in reference to what was being discussed in the video and to me appeared beyond coincidental. I’ll make my observations in point form.
- I have made several comments regarding my premonition of the “Black Sun” symbol, which at the time I had no idea what this symbol was. Now I know it was used by the Nazis, some kind of a satanic occult symbol and if you dig deeper to its origin it has to do with these Dracos and the Orion Star system.
- In my comments in the descriptions of my mirrored Mandela Effect videos I mention that I was taught in school that we were in the Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way, now by coincidence we are told we are in the ORION Arm(spar) of the Milky Way.
- “The Reptilians manipulated our moon and sun to give us (and them) less sunlight”. I had repeated childhood dream about the moon changing its position and people panicking about the end of the world. In a version that I am dreaming within a dream it appears that this is a memory from a past life. I remember hiding and I remember hearing people screaming and panicking in fear that the moon was going to crash into the earth. I believe this was during the crucifixion of Jesus when the moon eclipsed the sun unnaturally and then returned to its original position (full moon-Passover).
- The video discusses reincarnated people now in this present time as part of plan against these Draco reptilians. I now have so many coincidences/parallels in my life that it might be possible that I am a reincarnation from over 2000 years ago.
- Why am I so adamant that the Da Vinci Last Supper painting has changed (Mandela Effect) with added modern shot glasses and the chalice gone? Was I there too? Check out my first introduction video where I inserted the Last Supper scene from the “Jesus of Nazareth” series (which in my mind depicts the most accurate version of this historic bible event).
- Is this present plan already discussed among Jesus and his disciples 2000 years ago as a grand plan to get rid of these invading evil Dracos from all time?
- The 3 days of darkness is already in Catholic prophecies, but I think it will not be a solar flash, but rather a divine flash of pure light where none of these evil creatures can hide because this light will penetrate the earth and burn up all evil in this final judgement.
- Linda mentions Simon Cowell and all these spinoff shows are infiltrated by reptilians. Coincidentally in January 2019 during my Kundalini Awakening I had an extremely strong déjà vu during the premiere of the “Masked Singer” and almost freaked out in panic because it recalled one of my childhood nightmare or night terrors. We had company over and they wanted to watch the show. Most likely I was terrorized by these reptilian/demons when I was a child during nightmares. The Mask Singer costumes represent the true nature of the hidden demonic creature’s body snatching these celebrities.
- My first demon attack was later that same day, I was watching a recording of America’s Got Talent: The Champions, the episode with Uzeyer Novruzov (the ladder guy) and I was dozing on and off waiting to pick up my son from a practice. Again, I was freaked out for some reason and realized the show was all scripted and somehow instinctively knew that Uzeyer was going to be successful this time around at his ladder act.
- For sake of space, briefly I knew there was a connection to The Masked Singer episode, the AGT Champions show
(, my sudden Kundalini experience and the demonic attack on that same evening on January 9, 2019 on my daughter’s birthday, while I was already freaked out from recent personal Mandela Effects leading to this day, crazy number synchronicities and recent short telepathic communications with a neutral-type entity(s). Apparently, I know these unseen entities and they know me, but I can’t remember. As Linda mentions above, these channelers cannot directly interfere with you but only nudge you. By that weekend, after a final demonic encounter, I was in the hospital. The connection between these shows was, the world of entertainment is run by reptilian demons and I sure as hell can now perceive them. Marcum (MyCatholicRedPill)

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