Chris & Holly Santillo: Raising Strong, Adaptable & Resilient Children

5 years ago

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When was the last time you took a family road trip? Especially one that was just for fun?

Unfortunately, the family road trip seems to be somewhat of a dying art.

After living a life on the road, I can tell you that getting out of the city— away from all of that crazy brain zapping city energy that we're assaulted with, all the marketing and the billboards—and into the wilderness can be an amazing reset for your body, your mind, and your spirit.

Our brain is not used to it, our bodies aren't used to it. In ancestral terms, this is all completely unprecedented.

More than ever, it's time to take a break. Take that risk and go out somewhere  remote. Get away from those city centers, because we all know that it's a mess out there.

Today we're here with Chris and Holly Santillo, who are a great example of doing something that violates common sense perhaps, but also is a great example of courage and getting away from the norms, and embracing a life of opportunity, adventure and education, especially with their young ones.

Right now, they’re actually traveling the country and the world as nomads with their 3 kids.

Together they have been working with and educating children for over 35 years. They co-authored the book "Resilience Parenting", and founded and instruct at Potomac Kempo, a chain of martial arts studio based in Virginia.

And today they’re joining me on the show to chat about:

* How to raise children that are strong, adaptable, and have the ability to recover from setbacks
* How to eat and train on the road
* How to turn mistakes into learning opportunities
* The power of teaching integrity through story
* And much more…

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