Ghost Fleet Offensive - Headline Act | Battlestar Galactica DEADLOCK Mission 2

5 years ago

Ghost Fleet Offensive - Headline Act | BSG DEADLOCK Mission 2
The war with the Cylons rages on and now the Battlestar Galactica and the BSG 75 battle group need to go and save a bunch of television execs
. It is time to activate the Ghost Fleet Offensive in the time scale of the Battlestar Galactica Blood and Chrome time line

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1:00 Officer management
2:30 Headline act - Campaign Mission 2/10

About Ghost Fleet Offensive Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
The people of the Twelve Colonies believe that Colonial forces are keeping the Cylon threat in check. Truth is, the Ministry of Defense loses ground every day. Under Atropos’ command, Cylon attacks have become precise and terrifying. Perfectly timed ambushes designed to cripple communications and logistics. Efficient and methodical. Commander Nash and the crew of the Galactica have to keep up the claim of the good fight, never revealing how close the people back home are to the knife’s edge. Meanwhile, Admiral Sarkis has one last plan that could finally bring this war to an end or doom them all. It is time to activate the Ghost Fleet Offensive.ow close the people back home are to the knife’s edge. Meanwhile, Admiral Sarkis has one last plan that could finally bring this war to an end or doom them all. It is time to activate the Ghost Fleet Offensive in the time scale of the Battlestar Galactica Blood and Chrome time line

#BattlestarGalactica #BattlestarGalacticaDeadlock #GhostFleetOffensive

Translated titles:
Ofensiva da Frota Fantasma-Ato Principal | Missão 2 do BSG DEADLOCK

घोस्ट फ्लीट ऑफेंसिव-हेडलाइन एक्ट | BSG DEADL

هجوم أسطول الأشباح-العنوان الرئيسي | BSG DEADLOCK المهمة 2

幽靈艦隊進攻-標題法| BSG死鎖任務2

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