The passionate Game 3 of the Twitch Rivals Apex Legends Showdown | POVs of Top 6 +1 squads

2 years ago

Featuring the POVs of Acie, Albralelie, Extesyy, HisWattson, iiTzTimmy, Keon, Nocturnal, Noko, Onmuu, Reptar, Surefour, sweetdreams, taxi2g and Vein.

In this #twitchrivals #apexlegends video #taxi2g gets called "a character", an "unhinged animal" (by a squadmate) and is reported for impossible movement. Perhaps.

The web page for the "Twitch Rivals - NA Showdown 4" which took place on July 26, 2022:

Timestamps for substantial things:
00:00 Getting killed by HisWattson in:
00:15 Game 1 &
01:22 Game 2
02:42 Taxi gets called an "unhinged animal"
03:22 Team Noko lands and prepares an ambush
05:40 Team Acie fights
06:42 Team Hambino runs into Team Albralelie
07:50 Team HisWattson fights
08:47 Team Surefour has a good spot
09:55 Team HisWattson fights
10:40 Teams Surefour and iiTzTimmy look for knocks
11:45 Team Hambino rotates dangerously
14:10 Team Noko walks into a fight
16:45 Team Noko rotates to fight
17:36 Multi-party-fight, Taxi starts to become unhinged
19:41 Team Hambino moves places
21:05 "Tower team" is bullied (for the first time)
22:35 Team HisWattson tries to res
23:55 "That's Taxi, so ..."
24:28 Noise warning / a celebration commences
26:24 Team Acie fights (Team Albralelie too)
29:05 Team iiTzTimmy attacks Team Hambino. Others are watching.
31:45 Team Noko fights (Team Albralelie too)
33:55 Mostly fighting from now on
38:57 Fireworks start the final phase!

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