2020 Review of Squad Best Game of 2020

5 years ago

Get the game at http://www.JoinSquad.com

I have nothing to do with the game and gain nothing for this review but I feel the Developers have done such a great job I am pleased to recommend SQUAD. As a Christian I am concerned at the "feminization of our children" and feel more "manly games" of war are a good thing to counter act this evil. When George Washington was being attacked by the British he didn't keep trying to reason with them, he didn't beg them, he went to war with them and defeated them.

It has always been an American standard for good men to rise up against evil men and defeat them. In a time of "wimpy girly men" and silly binary and non binary genders it is awesome that there is a game for men.
(Some of the players use profanity like on all multiplayer games so if that offends you don't watch this as I can't control the other players on the server).
Parents if you want your boys to grow up into men and not girly-men you should get them some war games. Fear not their limp wrists of atheism, here they will learn to be a man and maybe, just maybe, when they grow up they will join the Marines. This game is not for girly men but real men.

So gear up and get SQUAD at http://www.joinsquad.com "Girly men need not apply".

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