Testing Polaris Ranger XP1000 Northstar Heater in 20 degree weather

5 years ago

Join us for a quick video and ride with Mrs. Kapper Outdoors as she takes our 2019 Polaris Ranger XP1000 Northstar edition out to the waterfalls on our Southern Illinois farm after a couple of days of sub 20 degree nights. While this might not be as cold as many Northern areas, it is plenty cold to see how good the heater works in the Polaris Northstar! Please hit the Like button if you enjoy our content and subscribe to follow all of our Land management projects, Bobcat mini excavator projects, Bobcat skid steer projects, Polaris Ranger videos (we also have a Ranger XP900), our Kentucky farmhouse rehab project, food plots, ponds, duck ponds, watering holes, building roads and trails, DIY rustic home decor, DIY landscaping, hunting, fishing, and more country living adventures. Thank you. Kapper Outdoors, living the dream, one acre at a time.

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