LOW EMF INFRARED SAUNA - followed by EMF measurements - The Relax Sauna - Montage

5 years ago

Many people who have EMF sensitivity use the Relax Sauna and love how it makes them feel. The Relax Sauna was developed for over 10 years to achieve the purest wavelength of far infrared.
Paul - I am electromagnetic hypersensitive and I get an itching and muscle contractions which is probably an over-stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. And, when I sit in there for 15 minutes, it relaxes me and all my symptoms are gone and then I can sleep a lot better at night.

Like my hands, my muscles would be contracting. My fingers would never relax. I can straighten them now. I was doing reconnective healing and the guy would say, “You’ve got to straighten your fingers out now.” And, I’d say, “Well, it’s a lot of work to do it because they are actually just curled. And, then, when I’m in here they really straighten right out.

Zack - I’m somebody who doesn’t even carry a cell phone. I don’t even use Wi-Fi. So, I know I am not the kind of person who is completely incapacitated where I can’t leave my house. But, I do take all the precautions that I can. So, you know, just giving way to that in terms of my sensitivity to EMF. If anybody’s concerned about it, I would suggest giving it a try because I really feel like it helped with me just being in there for five or 10 minutes.

Phil - So, the EMF from it is negligible?

It’s fine. It’s fine. That’s not the problem. Look, I’m quite sensitive. That’s why I’m wearing these hats. I can’t stand these artificial lights coming down on my skin. So, I would have noticed if it was from the sauna. We do (saunas) all the time. This one is so practical. You can take it with you. It’s fantastic.

Dr. Young - I have never, in all my measurements, electromagnetic frequencies from a sauna (negatively) affect the quality of the cell. And that’s what I do, in nutritional microbiology and hematology. My Ph.D. is in nutrition but my Doctor of Science is in biochemistry.

Marty - I got a Cornet EMF meter at Amazon. It measures electric fields, magnetic fields and radio frequencies.

Marty - I used a Relax Sauna for about a month. I had really pretty good results, very effective. I am very sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies and it didn’t seem to have any negative effects on me, We are on radio frequency right now.

Phil - And, the sauna is off. Notice it fluctuates from 4 to .2. So, I turn the Relax Sauna on. It is less!

Marty - Yeah. A lot of it can be ambient cell phone, Wi-Fi. So, it’s hard to see. (It read 3.1.) And, see. It’s like it’s just picking up cell phone, the Wi-Fi or something.

Phil - OK, so that’s the radio. Let’s go on the next one, magnetic. So, now we’ll turn the sauna on. The fan blows the heat off of the semiconductor chips, so, they continue to generate the far-infrared ray. The fans have nothing to do with (the ray.)

That’s where your head is. It reads from about .3, then on down .5 and further down .6.) Now, when you get by the feet, here you are at the chair. (It was around .6 to .7. Now, when we put it down here to the floor, it gets down to one, on the floor .5 still. If you put it here, in between the two radiators, it is still at .5. It’s at 1.2. This is where the feet are, 1.8. Let’s put it on top of the radiator. It gets up to nine. You put your feet on top of the radiator. And, you don’t have to. You put it in front of the radiator. It’s 1.2.2, in front of the radiator 1.4, on top of the radiator 2.3 The other one was nine. They’re 4.6, 1.2.

Marty - Right. (He gets his cell phone out) And, I’m turning the Wi-Fi. It’s going to, basically, come online and turn everything on all at once and watch what it does. Now, actually, it’s not going to show anything electrical on the cell phone. RF is the one that’s going to make the biggest difference. Let me go to radiofrequency or F. Turning it on, look what it does. It jumps up to quite a lot. (The meter shows) 55, 126, 5, 219. Let’s go and look what it does it jumps up to quite a lot, 55, 126, 155, 240 and this is generally right on our bodies. 303 is what it peaked at. That is milliwatts per meter squared. That’s well beyond the danger zone point of radio frequencies.

Phil - Now what about the EMF? The magnetic and the electric from the cell phone?

Marty - Generally, you don’t get as much of that from the cell phone. It’s mostly radio frequencies. Yeah, see you’re getting almost nothing for magnetic. (It shows .4.) Yeah, when you’re streaming video that’s when it’s the most. When you load a webpage, you get that. It’s the same thing when I shut it on and off airplane mode. Magnetic, yeah, you see the same thing. You get some magnetic. but the magnetic EMF is not nearly so high with the cell phone. It is radio frequency to be concerned about

Phil - So, it’s the radio frequency is the concern, not the magnetic.

Marty - Yeah, with the cell phone. Magnetic fields are the ones that can cause the most harm if you’re in a dangerous one.
for more info see: https://www.relaxsaunas.com/far-infrared.html

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